Thursday, February 19, 2009

Searching Your Roots... Well, er sort of

If you are into Genealogy there is a wealth of knowledge out there on the web, I would go into it but when I am talking about "Your Roots" I am really talking about the internet of yesterday. One thing on genealogy research, if you use's site they used to (probably still do) require a credit card on file, when you purchased your subscription in order to search their records you were required to cancel the subscription BEFORE your renewal date or they would automatically "stick it to you" for another year. Now if you really are interested in seeing who is in your family trees' roots that's great, no having to renew yearly but they send out NO(Zero) notices that they are about to nail your credit card again. (I think it is a scummy practice and they probably hit 20 percent of the "unsuspecting and unassuming customers" that buy their product. )

There is an internet search engine out there called Archive.Org I love this site, literally. I probably visit it at least once a day while doing searches. It is really easy to use, just punch in the website address that you are wondering about and up comes any webpages (that were scanned) from their past. If they are a mainstream(popular) site they were scanned on a regular basis. Here is an example: I was thinking of how music is a part of the Amercan culture, it seems each generation has its' own group of idols that teenagers worship so I first did a search on Archive.Org of a few hits came up but I knew it should be better than that so then I did a search of that had even less but a link came up about Dick Clark Productions so that made me enter Bingo! That was the MotherLode for American Bandstand's past and present.

What is really Great about using is being able to see how a site has evolved over the years. It really is a treasure trove of information. In my Special Report on "Internet Loopholes: Searches for Those Short of Time..." I will outline some very Neat little tricks you can do that make Archive.Org a regular Golden Goose. It is every Information Junkies dream, at least it was mine.

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