Thursday, February 19, 2009

25 Random Thoughts About Me (What are you nuts?)

First off Facebook evidently has been using this Theme lately, while I have a Facebook account(maybe two even, I don't go there, and the only reason I went was to checkout someone else's stuff... "What can I say... I'm weak when it comes to curiosity." And to give credit where credit is due, while I heard about 25 Random thoughts elsewhere, since I don't remember where I will give the credit to this person's blog that I have yet to explore, but I will... I'm weak."

My 25 Random Thoughts... (Sort of)

1.Chicago is my absolute favorite city that I like to visit. I would even consider having a temporary home there. Temporary because I like it in the winter but I am from Iowa and Frostbite sucks, I would prefer a "snowbird approach".
2.It amazes me the number of spelling errors on almost any but the most corporate of sites. Now before you get your "getty-up out-a-whack" I am also aware you can hire a spell checker for minimum wage all day long. And since my tersing of verses is self-inflicted... er taught, I have no room to talk. In the Bible is a line about, "Judge you not lest you be judged..." Forgive me FATHER.
3.I am guilty of getting my news as "catch can", if it can catch up to me it gets looked at. There was a news program on just recently that went on and on about a missing little girl but what they were focusing on was whether the mother should get in trouble for leaving the child in care of a minor, the air time could have been better served by helping with the search instead of being Judge, Jury and Executioner." There is entirely too much negative news and unearned publicity for my taste. On unearned publicity, does anyone really give a rats a$$$ about Jennifer and Brad or Brad and ?
4. I had an acquaintance that I worked with that worked himself into an early grave, and for whatever weird reason I think of him like once a month and it has been 8-9 years since he died.
5.I borrowed this thought from the guy who's blog is mentioned above, "I graduated 43 in my class. How many people were in the class, 42 er sort of, I was 43rd I seldom was there." Now in my defense, those Iowa Basic Skills Tests that they had you take in school, well the last year we took them(Junior year?) I was sitting at a table with all the jocks(I wasn't one) and they were sitting next to the Class Valdictorian. I'll call him Jeremy because that was his name, well Jeremy was pretty darn smart and he some how was all of the teachers's pet. Jeremy was being asked by the jocks what the answers were and occasionaly I would ask also. When the results got back from the Iowa Basic Skills Testing center most of the jocks had between 85-91, Jeremy had a 94 and I had a 97. It pays to follow your own path sometimes, I only asked if the questions answer was not coming through for me. Did I cheat, yeah I did. Did Jeremy, maybe we would have to ask him.
6.I was terrible at going door to door selling.
7.I was in an accident(not my fault) 2 years ago that hurt my neck and back. I went to a chiropractor, actually two, the second one while initially doing some good eventually I believe made it worse.
8.Growing up in a dinky midwest town when you're neither a farmer or an athlete can really suck.
9.I am totally disorganized.
10.I thought GOD had disowned me until my son came along. Until you have kids it really is hard to fathom what unconditional love is. GODs' delays aren't GODs' denials.
11. My dad died when I was 4. My mom remarried when I was 10. It took 15 years to love my step-dad.
12.My best friend from high school found a new best friend and I never did. Well my wife is, but it isn't the same.
13.I really like how easy Blogger is to use.
14.I never got into sports, except "cream the carrier" as a little kid. All the neighborhood trying to catch the football or like me cream the carrier of the football. I Lettered my senior year in wrestling, I wondered how the heck I did that? Coach Sokowloski said, "You were the most improved player." Yeah, I went from "totally-sucky to give him 3 more years...".
15.I miss high school, "It was the best of times, it was the worst of times."
16.I love marketing information, marketing stories and sales people (especially little kids' I encourage everyone that I see selling and buy something from them.)
17.I had a crush all through high school(and after) on a girl that when I first saw her reminded me of Richie Cunningham's little sister, Joanie . She married a doctor, well he wasn't a doctor when they got married.=*(
18.My grandfather was fond of saying, "It's a good life if you don't weaken." Nowadays that's a good trick.
19.I didn't vote for Barack Obama, but I didn't want to vote for any of the Republicans, they all appeared too wimpy or "uninterested". None of them had the fire that B.O. had, as a Christian I prayed that he will be a good \President and prayerfully have a Ronald Reagan turnaround(I read somewhere that President Reagan spent 2/3rds of his life as a Democrat.)
20.I am in favor of a small government and a strong military, in fact I think the United States should take a page from Greece. In Greece all citizens are required to spend 2 years in the military, can you imagine how strong that would make us as a country. If the young people were trained in several disciplines they would never have to worry about unemployment I believe.
21.I believe, if we are to have forced education, that children should have some moral training and self-efficating training every semester they go. Visualizing and positive programming should be part of the package. Matt Furey runs Maxwell Maltz's Psycho-Cybernetics program, Dr. Maltz was a plastic surgeon that helped people see themselves through a more positive light.
22.I remember hearing the comedian "Sinbad" mention that when he was growing up that if he got in trouble anywhere in his neighborhood, not only would he get whooped when he got home he was liable to get whooped by every mother on his way home starting with the one who first heard what he did. "I grew up in the same neighborhood."
23.I grew up reading voraciously, while my book reading has suffered, because of the internet I still read like a madman.
24.I love a good steak, the older I get though the earlier in the day I need to eat red meat.
25.When I was still in high school I was a bit of a thief, you've heard the saying, "There's no honor among thieves." I can vouche for that personally.

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